Shifting the Mood for a Happier Car Ride
My boys have lately been really getting on each other's nerves. As a result, I have had to deal with arguments or grumpy kids as I deal with their behaviors. One evening, we were rushing to get out the door for the boys' Taekwondo class, and the boys were bickering and so grumpy. I almost changed my mind and kept the boys home, but I didn't want to lose money on a missed class, so I decided to suck it up and attempt the 15 minute car ride hoping I'd keep my sanity.
Thankfully, as I was getting the boys out the door, I thought about my wonderful supply of essential oils and how I may be able to save the car ride, so I ran back to my room, grabbed a cotton ball from the bathroom and a Grounding Blend and Wild Orange essential oils from my essential oils box and got in the car. I quickly put 2 drops of both of those oils on my cotton ball and pressed the cotton ball into my car air vent and turned the heat on low (it was cold outside). Meanwhile the boys were arguing about who was looking at whom - Grrrr!.
By the time I managed to pull out of the driveway and drive down our street for about 1/4 of a mile, the grumpiness was replaced with laughter and all of the sudden, my boys were joking around and laughing instead of screaming at each other. It was music to my ears! By the time we arrived at their Taekwondo class 15 minutes later, I had to tell the boys it was time to calm down and prepare for class.

My essential oils saved the day and prevented me from losing my mind during that almost-disastrous car ride! I love how simple the oils are to use and who quickly I can shift the mood for my family. I love having essential oils as an important tool in my Mom Toolbox! It makes me feel so empowered.