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Naturally Supporting the Body and its Function

Yesterday, I received the best blood test results ever! For 8 years, since giving birth to my youngest child, I have struggled with chronic anemia (low iron in my blood) despite my doctor's attempt to find a cause. I have taken a prescription iron pill ever since to help keep my anemia under control. I've had multiple blood tests done throughout the years to keep an eye on my levels. Sometimes, even with the iron pill, my hemoglobin or hematocrit have been low. Other times, they will be within normal limits but my iron stores have been depeleted. I've never not been iron-deficient despite all of the iron rich foods that I eat and the 90mg of iron I take in my prescription pill.

In January, my new insurance kicked in, and thanks to the NOT-so-Afforable-Care-Act, my prescription coverage was terrible, and my iron pill was way too expensive to keep taking, so I stopped taking it to see how I would do. At the same time, I began taking doTERRA's Life Long Vitality Supplements to keep my body healthy and well nourished. My doctor had ordered a routine blood draw to check my iron levels. I waited for 2 months to get them done so I could see if I could survive not taking my iron pill.

I got my blood test results yesterday, and every single thing the doctor tested came back within normal limits EXCEPT my Ferritin level (iron store) which was flagged for being too HIGH!!!!! I was thrilled to pieces to see those results and double checked to make sure it was my name at the top of the report.

Good-bye for good, iron pill! Hello forever, Life Long Vitality Supplements! I am so thankful for the natural things that God gives us on this Earth that we can use to support our bodies to health and wellness. There's nothing more fulfilling than using those natural things to further our health knowing that we don't have to worry about harmful side effects or toxins being added to our body.

If you would like more information about these incredible supplements, don't hesitate to ask!

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