Are all Essential Oils created equally?
Essential Oils are NOT created equally, and there are many different brands and classes of essential oils.
Essential Oil Classes
Synthetic - artificial - found in shampoos, body lotions, candles, etc.
Food Grade - deemed GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe by FDA) - in foods such as Lemon Poppy Seed Dressing, chewing gum, etc.
Therapuetic Grade - have therapeutic value and can evoke a physical or emotional response - found in specialty Spas, Natural Healthfood stores, etc.
Certified Pure oils - have the highest therapeutic value and guaranteed beyond organic and pure. The oils go through 3rd party testing to ensure purity and therapeutic sufficiency.

Do some research before choosing a brand!
Some essential oil companies claim 100% purity but still include fillers and preservatives in their oils. If you want to use a natural health solution, ensure that it truly is natural. Don't get caught putting more toxins into your body when you are wanting to have natural health practices!
Questions to ask when choosing a safe essential oil brand
Is it a company that uses 3rd party testing to ensure purity? Is the company open about reporting purity/therapeutic value?
Were the oils harvested in an area where the plants produce high therapeutic levels of oils?
Are the oils pure enough for internal use?
After much research, we have found a wonderful brand of essential oils that give us the peace of mind that we are SAFELY using natural solutions. Better yet, they give us many other personal care options that are natural and safe to use making our lives that much simpler.
If you would like save time and hours of research, ask us about the only brand we trust by contacting us today!