All-natural Face Wash
Because we are so careful to not put needless toxins in our bodies, I make our own face wash for us to use. It's really easy to make,...
Natural Mouthwash
Here's one way to return to simple living. I have decided to make some of my own homemade products for my family to use such as...
Natural Toothpaste
Here's another great way to return to simple living. This recipe includes baking soda which is known to help whiten teeth and coconut oil...
Natural Diaper Cream
With the birth of my nephew last month, I have started to think more about natural baby products. I am appalled at the amount of toxins...
Soothing Skin Salve
With as cold and dry of a winter that we have had so far, who isn't suffering from dry, itchy skin? If you are, there's a way to soothe...